TC Lispers April Presentations online April 29th, 2010
Patrick Stein

The Twin Cities Lisp Users Group meeting for April was last Monday. The main topic was Web Frameworks, but there were also two shorter talks.

Weblocks Presentation

Patrick Stein gave this presentation at the TC Lispers meeting in April 2010.

Weblocks on Vimeo.

Allegro Serve and Web Actions Presentation

Robert Goldman gave this presentation at the TC Lispers meeting in April 2010.

Apology: Unfortunately, ScreenFlow bombed out on me when I went to stop recording. It subsequently saw that it had a partial project there but was unable to recover it. As such, there is no video available for this presentation. Feh. — Patrick

Hunchentoot Presentation

Paul Krueger gave this presentation at the TC Lispers meeting in April 2010.

Hunchentoot on Vimeo.

Cocoa Lisp Controller Presentation

Paul Krueger gave this presentation at the TC Lispers meeting in April 2010.

Cocoa Lisp Controller on Vimeo.

CL-Growl Presentation

Patrick Stein gave this presentation at the TC Lispers meeting in April 2010.

CL-Growl on Vimeo.
