Tidbits from the past month or two… March 15th, 2013
Patrick Stein

It’s been some time since I have posted here. Life has been busy. Until last week, I was working one and a half jobs after I transitioned out of getting paid to do C++ into getting paid to do Common Lisp.

I’m now working for Clozure Associates. It’s awesome.

And, on top of the awesome of getting paid to do Lisp, there was an added layer of awesome this week. I had dinner with some Clozure folk on Wednesday night in Boston. Cyrus Harmon happened to also be in Boston that day. News of Cyrus’s proximity triggered an impromptu Boston Lisp User’s dinner meeting. So, I met Zach Beane, Cyrus Harmon, Ben Hyde, François-René Rideau, Andrew Shalit, and Gail Zacharias all on the same day.

Zach is taller than I’d have thought. Cyrus isn’t Eastern European as I’d somehow believed him to be. Faré sounds just like I’d imagined in such an eerie way that if he had looked at all familiar I’d have believed that I’d seen him live or on video before.

Faster Primes with Heaps January 28th, 2013
Patrick Stein

I read a nice blog post this morning about implementing the Sieve of Eratosthenes in Lisp. It got me thinking about something that I did a few weeks back.

A few weeks back, I needed to generate all of the primes up to a given number. The number was big enough that I didn’t want to keep an array of bytes (or even bits) big enough to do the sieving. I just had an aversion to keeping around O(n) memory when O(n / \ln n) would suffice. I also had a hankering (probably because of Let Over Lambda) to implement it as a generator—a function that each time you called it gave you the next prime.

My first version amounted to trial-division against the entire list of primes generated so far. For the number of primes that I wanted to generate, this took more than nine minutes. Unacceptable.

I made some tweaks to it to ensure that I was only checking n against the previously generated primes that were less than or equal to (isqrt n). I made some other tweaks to keep my previously generated primes sorted so the most-likely to be a divisor of n were first. I made another tweak to accumulate the first k primes into a product so that I could check all of those against n with a (gcd n product-of-first-k) where k was constrained so that the product stayed below most-positive-fixnum.

Those tweaks got me down to around two minutes. That was still more than twice as long as I wanted it to take.

Now, with the help of CL-HEAP and the Rosetta-Code-approved optimization mentioned in that blog post, I have it down to thirty seconds with no trial division, no square roots, and only one multiplication per prime.

I keep a heap of cons cells. The car is the next number that will be crossed out by this prime and the cdr is how much to increment the car once I’ve crossed out the car.

Ignoring the special-case at the beginning for two, my current algorithm looks like this:

(defun prime-generator ()
  (let ((nixed (make-instance 'cl-heap:fibonacci-heap
                              :key #'first
                              :sort-fun #'<))
        (guess 1))
    (lambda ()
      (loop :do (incf guess 2) :until (%prime-p guess nixed))
      (cl-heap:add-to-heap nixed (cons (* guess guess) (* guess 2)))

The %prime-p function pulls cons cells off of the heap until it finds whose car isn’t equal to the current guess. For each of them where the car was equal, it increments the car by its cdr. Then, it puts all of the cons cells it removed back on the heap. The guess was prime if it wasn’t equal to any of the numbers on the heap.

(defun %prime-p (guess nixed)
  (let ((prime t)
        (n nil))
    (loop :do (setf n (cl-heap:pop-heap nixed))
       :while (and n (= (car n) guess))
       :do (progn
             (incf (car n) (cdr n))
             (cl-heap:add-to-heap nixed n)
             (setf prime nil))
       :finally (when n (cl-heap:add-to-heap nixed n)))

I could probably save some time and cons-ing by peeking at the top of the heap rather than always gathering or countless other ways, but this more than exceeded my expectations for today.

Whittling Away with Repetition January 15th, 2013
Patrick Stein

I’ve now done the Bowling Game Kata from the previous video seven more times imperatively as I did in the video and two more times with a functional style.

Each time I did it imperatively, I decreased the overall size of the code. The functional code is smaller still and got smaller on my second try. The previous video was bowling-20130102.lisp and the functional versions end in -f.lisp.

% lisp_count *.lisp
70 bowling-20121230.lisp
70 bowling-20130102.lisp
64 bowling-20130106.lisp
62 bowling-20130107.lisp
64 bowling-20130109.lisp
66 bowling-20130110.lisp
62 bowling-20130113.lisp
54 bowling-20130113b-f.lisp
57 bowling-20130114.lisp
57 bowling-20130114b.lisp
51 bowling-20130114c-f.lisp

These SLOC numbers were generated using David A. Wheeler’s ‘SLOCCount’. Straight up byte, word, and line counts follow the same trend.

Soon, I will record another run through the imperative style and a run through the functional style.

Here are the most recent versions of each style:

The Bowling Game Kata in Common Lisp January 3rd, 2013
Patrick Stein

The Bowling Game Kata in Common Lisp from Patrick Stein on Vimeo.

Code Kata are repetitive coding tasks designed to help one internalize certain patterns, methodologies, or tools. In this video, I go through Uncle Bob Martin’s The Bowling Game Kata. The Kata exercises test-driven development. Uncle Bob’s presentation of the Kata is in Java. This is in Common Lisp.

Nick Levine’s cl-log rocks… December 10th, 2012
Patrick Stein

Whenever I need logging in my Common Lisp applications, I use Nick Levine’s cl-log library. For many applications, spending the time to run CL:FORMAT during runtime is unreasonable. It is often much better to log something in a raw form and do any formatting/presentation offline rather than online. The cl-log library is the only one that I know of which supports binary logging readily.

Additionally, Nick is incredibly responsive. I found an oversight in a corner-case of cl-log last Friday at 1am. I emailed him about it at 1:19am. In under 5 hours, I had email back pointing me to a new release with that case corrected.

I hope to do a more complete comparison of the existing log libraries at some point. At this point, know that I’ve tried all of the ones on the Cliki which had obvious documentation or examples, and I’ll be using cl-log.

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