Wayback Popularity March 28th, 2011
Patrick Stein

Wow. A post that I made in February of 2009 just hit Hacker News yesterday and this one from June of 2009 either hit as well or came along for the ride. Suddenly, I have 3655 hits on a two year old articles. Wacky.

CL-FFT v1.4.2011.03.24 released March 24th, 2011
Patrick Stein

Elliott Johnson provided me with some patches for my CL-FFT library so that it will work with Allegro modern mode (mlisp).

Thank you!

Tutorial: Introduction to Conditions and Restarts March 18th, 2011
Patrick Stein

Today was the first time that I really kicked the tires on Common Lisp’s conditions and restarts. I thought that I’d share some of the experience as a sort of mini-tutorial. This tutorial assumes some minimal experience hitting the debugger from the REPL and some comfort with CLOS.

Lisp: Conditions and Restarts from Patrick Stein on Vimeo.

Screencast tutorial on basic conditions and restarts in Common Lisp.

Here is the source code generated during this tutorial.

USerial Library — v0.3.2011.03.05 March 4th, 2011
Patrick Stein

I have released a new version of my serialization library. I hope no one has dug in too far on using it yet because I rearranged the interface a fair bit in this release. To accommodate more complex serializers and unserializers as well as supporting a with-buffer macro, the buffer is no longer the first argument to the serialize and unserialize methods. Now, it is a &key argument to the serialize and unserialize generics. Further, the serialize and unserialize generics also &allow-other-keys.

In an intervening and unannounced release, I added serializers for slots and accessors.

In this release, I have also really fleshed out the documentation and examples.

For instructions on obtaining and using the USerial library, please refer to the USerial library web page.

Edit: This had been v0.3.2011.03.04, but I made a minor update to add MIT License and correct a few glitches in the docs. Now, it’s v0.3.2011.03.05.

Swim, Zach! Swim! February 26th, 2011
Patrick Stein

It looks like Google Maps is having some longitude problems along the eastern coast of the U.S. This is from the CL-USERS Google Map:

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