CL-FFT v1.4.2011.03.24 released March 24th, 2011
Patrick Stein

Elliott Johnson provided me with some patches for my CL-FFT library so that it will work with Allegro modern mode (mlisp).

Thank you!

USerial Library — v0.3.2011.03.05 March 4th, 2011
Patrick Stein

I have released a new version of my serialization library. I hope no one has dug in too far on using it yet because I rearranged the interface a fair bit in this release. To accommodate more complex serializers and unserializers as well as supporting a with-buffer macro, the buffer is no longer the first argument to the serialize and unserialize methods. Now, it is a &key argument to the serialize and unserialize generics. Further, the serialize and unserialize generics also &allow-other-keys.

In an intervening and unannounced release, I added serializers for slots and accessors.

In this release, I have also really fleshed out the documentation and examples.

For instructions on obtaining and using the USerial library, please refer to the USerial library web page.

Edit: This had been v0.3.2011.03.04, but I made a minor update to add MIT License and correct a few glitches in the docs. Now, it’s v0.3.2011.03.05.

USerial Library — v0.1.2010.12.26 December 27th, 2010
Patrick Stein

I am putting together a networking library atop usocket for use in a multiplayer Lisp game. So far, I have implemented a library for serializing data into a byte buffer.

Here is a simple example of serializing some things into a buffer:

(make-enum-serializer :opcode (:login :run :jump :logout))
(make-bitfield-serializer :login-flags (:hidden :stay-logged-in))

(serialize* (:opcode :login
             :uint32 sequence-number
             :login-flags '(:hidden)
             :string login-name
             :string password) buffer)

You can unserialize those bits into existing places:

(let (opcode sequence-number flags login-name password)
  (unserialize* (:opcode opcode
                 :uint32 sequence-number
                 :login-flags flags
                 :string login-name
                 :string password) buffer)

You can unserialize them into newly-created variables for use within a body:

(unserialize-let* (:opcode opcode
                   :uint32 sequence-number
                   :login-flags flags
                   :string login-name
                   :string password) buffer

Or, you can unserialize them into a list:

(let ((parts (unserialize-list* (:opcode
                                 :string) buffer)))

You can find out more about the serialization library on my unet page.

CL-Growl patched for CCL April 29th, 2010
Patrick Stein

Alexandre Paes submitted a patch for my CL-Growl library so it now works with CCL (aka. Clozure, formerly OpenMCL), too.

Here is the source tarball: cl-growl_1.1.2010.04.29.tar.gz and the corresponding GPG signature: cl-growl_1.1.2010.04.29.tar.gz.asc. For other ways to access this code, see the CL-Growl page.

Thank you, Alex!

CL-Growl client library released April 12th, 2010
Patrick Stein

Growl is a notification system for Mac OS X. You run a Growl server on your machine. Then, applications can send notifications that will be displayed on your desktop. Growl supports a thin network protocol called Growl Talk that programs can use to send notifications to the Growl server (and hence, to your desktop).

Growl is incredibly useful for any program that operates asynchronously with the user. If you want to be notified when some portion of your job completes or when there is a critical error in your web application, Growl is a great tool to have at your disposal.

I wrote an implementation for Common Lisp of the client protocol. Here is a simple example of how you might use it:

(let ((growl:*growl-default-app* "My Lisp Application")
      (growl:*growl-default-host* "localhost")
      (growl:*growl-default-password* "my-growl-password"))
  (growl:register :enabled (list "Warn" "Error")
                  :disabled (list "Info"))
  (growl:notify "Program starting up..."
                :notification "Info")
  (unless (connect-to-database ...)
    (growl:notify "Cannot connect to database!"
                  :title "Critical Error!"
                  :notification "Error"
                  :sticky t
                  :priority 2)))

For more complete usage information and to learn how to obtain the library, see the CL-Growl web page.

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