Track-Best Library May 9th, 2013
Patrick Stein

Track-Best is a Common Lisp library used to track the N best of some
series of items. One creates a tracker and then adds scored items to
it. The tracker keeps the N best items and returns them at the end.



The main entry point is the function WITH-TRACK-BEST macro.

(with-track-best (keyword-args)

The body can call (track item score &optional tracker) as often as
desired. In the end, the with-track-best will return two values:
the list of best items and the list of their scores.

The keyword-args can be any of the following:

  • :NAME variable-name — A symbol used as the variable name for the
    tracker. This is only needed if you will explicitly refer to the
    tracker in the body statements.
  • :KEEP number-to-keep — The number of items to track. This
    defaults to 1 item.
  • :KEEP-TIES whether-to-keep-ties — If true, then items with the same score will all be kept until there are KEEP items with better
    scores. This defaults to NIL.
  • :ORDER-BY-FN function-to-compare-scores — The function used to
    determine if one score is larger or smaller than another score. The
    default for this argument is #'>
  • :ALWAYS-RETURN-LIST t-or-nil — If always-return-list is true, then WITH-TRACK-BEST will return a list even when KEEP is 1. If always-return-list is not true, then WITH-TRACK-BEST will return the single item when KEEP is 1. The default for this argument is NIL.
  • :RETURN-BEST t-or-nil — if return-best is NIL, then the form
    returns the value(s) from the last expression in the body rather
    than the best items. This argument defaults to T. Note: This
    argument is evaluated at macroexpansion time, not at runtime.

The other useful entry point is the MAP-BEST which takes a function and an optional tracker. It calls the function for each item currently in the best list of the tracker (from best to worst). MAP-BEST passes two parameters to the function: the item and its score. The MAP-BEST function returns a list of the results of those function calls.

(with-track-best (:keep 3 :return-best nil)
  (dolist (v '(-5 -3 -1 0 2 4))
    (track v (abs v)))
  (map-best #'(lambda (item score)
                (* item score))))
=> '(-25 16 -9)

Example: Finding the longest matching substring in two strings

Given two strings S1 and S2, find the longest substring they have
in common.

(let ((s1 "Keep playing cards on Friday.  Get smart.")
      (s2 "Thank G-d it's Friday!"))
  (with-track-best ()
    (dotimes (len (length s1))
      (dotimes (offset (- (length s1) len -1))
        (let ((needle (subseq s1 offset (+ offset len))))
          (when (search needle s2 :test #'string=)
            (track needle len)))))))

The outer DOTIMES loop determines the length substring of S1 to
look for in S2. The inner DOTIMES loop picks the offset to start
the substring of S1. Then, if the substring is found in S2, it is
tracked with its score being its length.

Example: Finding the farthest vertex from a point

Given a list of vertexes VERTEX-LIST, find the vertex farthest from
a TARGET vertex based on a given DISTANCE function.

(defun find-farthest (target vertex-list distance-fn)
  (with-track-best ()
    (dolist (v vertex-list)
      (track v (funcall distance-fn v target))))))

Example: Finding the three closest vertexes to a point

Given a list of vertexes VERTEX-LIST, find the three that are closest
to a TARGET vertex based on a given DISTANCE function.

(defun find-three-closest (target vertex-list distance-fn)
  (with-track-best (:keep 3 :order-by-fn #'<)
    (dolist (v vertex-list)
      (track v (funcall distance-fn v target))))))

The :ORDER-BY-FN function here specifies that the best vectors are
the ones with the smallest score. The scores used here are the
distance from the TARGET as given by the DISTANCE-FN.

Example: The lowest highest point

Suppose you had a list of various states. For each state you had a
list of different cities and their altitude. Find the highest
altitude in each state and find the state with the lowest high.

(let ((data '(("Alabama"  ("Birmingham" 664)
                          ("Mobile" 218)
                          ("Montegomery" 221))
              ("Alaska"   ("Anchorage" 144)
                          ("Fairbanks" 531))
              ("Arizona"  ("Grand Canyon" 6606)
                          ("Phoenix" 1132)
                          ("Tuscon"  2641)))))
  (with-track-best (:order-by-fn #'<)
    (dolist (state-info data)
      (multiple-value-bind (city altitude)
          (with-track-best ()
            (dolist (city-info (rest state-info))
              (track (first city-info) (second city-info))))
        (track (list (first state-info) city) altitude)))))

 => (values '("Alaska" "Fairbanks") 531)

The inner DOLIST here tracks the highest city in a given state. The
outer DOLIST trackes the lowest of the highest cities.

Example: Finding the lowest and highest numbers in a list

Given a list of numbers, return a list containing the lowest number
and highest number from the list.

(with-track-best (:name lowest
                  :order-by-fn #'<
                  :return-best nil)
  (with-track-best (:name highest
                    :return-best nil)
    (dolist (v '(2 4 6 8 10 1 3 5 7 9))
      (track v v lowest)
      (track v v highest))

    (list (first (map-best #'cons lowest))
          (first (map-best #'cons highest)))))

In this example, we used the :NAME to specify two different
trackers. In our loop, we tracked each value with both trackers. In
the end, we also used the :RETURN-RESULTS NIL directive so that the
returned value would be our LIST expression rather than the best
result from the LOWEST tracker.

Example: Keeping ties

If the :KEEP-TIES parameter is not NIL, then all items with the best
score will be returned. The order of these items is not guaranteed.

(with-track-best (:keep-ties t)
  (dolist (c '((:FIVE 5)  (:EIGHT 8)
               (:CINQO 5) (:OCHO 8)
               (:CINQ 5)  (:HUIT 8)))
    (track (first c) (second c))))

=> (values '(:EIGHT :HUIT :OCHO) '(8 8 8))

Warning about how ties are handled

If the :KEEP parameter is 1, the first item tracked with the best
score will be returned. If the :KEEP parameter is greater than one,
there is no guarantee about which items are kept when multiple items
of the same score are found. For example, the following form will
definitely return (VALUES :EIGHT 8).

(with-track-best ()
  (dolist (c '((:FIVE 5)  (:EIGHT 8)
               (:CINQO 5) (:OCHO 8)
               (:CINQ 5)  (:HUIT 8)))
    (track (first c) (second c))))

=> (values :EIGHT 8)

On the other hand, this snippet will not guarantee the order in which
:EIGHT, :OCHO, and :HUIT appear nor which of :FIVE, :CINQO,
or :CINQ will be included.

(with-track-best (:keep 4)
  (dolist (c '((:FIVE 5)  (:EIGHT 8)
               (:CINQO 5) (:OCHO 8)
               (:CINQ 5)  (:HUIT 8)))
    (track (first c) (second c))))

=> (values ??? '(8 8 8 5))

To be sure, the answer is deterministic. Given the same inputs in the
same order, the same output will be generated. There are two caveats
to this:

  • Where a tie gets inserted amongst its peers is highly sensitive to
    the number of items being kept and where its peers are in the list
    at the time of insertion.
  • More importantly, I make no guarantee that this order will be
    preserved across releases. You should not depend on particular
    behavior when :KEEP is greater than one.