In preparation for the upcoming TC Lispers meeting, I was testing my Sheeple-based CL-OpenGL GUI code on all of the different systems that I use. This was important because part of my goal in starting from bare-bones OpenGL was to make something that was pretty easy to port. The OpenGL libraries are the only non-Lisp dependencies, and they are pretty standard.
I run Mac OS X 10.6.2 as my primary development machine. I knew everything I had so far worked there under SBCL 1.0.30 and CMU-CL 20a. It took a little tweaking to get Sheeple built under Allegro CL 8.1 (Trial Edition), but after that I was five-by-five under Allegro, too. Unfortunately, I cannot get CL-OpenGL to run under Clozure 1.3-r11936 on Mac OS X. Also, ECL 9.10.2 doesn’t support weak key hashtables which Sheeple needs. And, my install of clisp broke somewhere along the lines, so I haven’t tried it.
I have an Ubuntu Linux box. There, I am using SBCL 1.0.11.debian (eeps). Everything ran perfectly over there (even displaying through X Windows back to my Mac).
I also run Windows Vista under VMWare Fusion on my Mac. I hadn’t done any development on it for months and months. Fortunately, in Google-ing to find out how to fix it, I stumbled upon what I had written about how I got things set up originally. Over the last two hours, I got SBCL upgraded to 1.0.29 under Vista. I got ASDF-Install set up with a bunch of help from this article. And, from there, I got CFFI and cl-opengl and ZPB-TTF and Sheeple installed.
ZPB-TTF and Sheeple both used some tar format options that archive_0.7.0 didn’t like. For those, I had to jump through some hoops to untar and retar them to get them to install.
Here was my final /Users/Patrick/.sbclrc file:
;; from Zach Beane
(defmethod asdf:perform :around ((o asdf:load-op)
(c asdf:cl-source-file))
(handler-case (call-next-method o c)
(#+sbcl sb-ext:invalid-fasl
#+allegro excl::file-incompatible-fasl-error
#+lispworks conditions:fasl-error
#+cmu ext:invalid-fasl
#-(or sbcl allegor lispworks cmu) error ()
(asdf:perform (make-instance 'asdf:compile-op) c)
(dolist (pkg '("alexandria/"
"zpb-ttf-1.0/") )
(pushnew (merge-pathnames pkg
(merge-pathnames "ASDF-Systems/"
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'asdf-install)
;; for my sanity
(setf asdf-install:*locations*
(list (list (merge-pathnames "ASDF-Systems/" (user-homedir-pathname))
(merge-pathnames "ASDF-Systems/" (user-homedir-pathname))
"My install spot")))
;; via
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'gzip-stream)
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'archive)
(defun asdf-install-extractor (to-dir tarball)
(let ((name nil))
(gzip-stream:with-open-gzip-file (ins tarball)
(archive:with-open-archive (archive ins)
(let ((*default-pathname-defaults* (pathname to-dir)))
(archive:do-archive-entries (entry archive name)
(archive:extract-entry archive entry)
(unless name (setf name (archive:name entry)))))))
(string name)))
(push 'asdf-install-extractor asdf-install:*tar-extractors*)
The list of packages in the middle were about half installed manually to get the archive extraction code working and half installed through ASDF-Install. If I recall correctly, I had to manually install: archive_0.7.0, flexi-streams-1.0.7, gzip-stream_0.2.8, salza2-2.0.7, trivial-gray-streams-2008-11-02, and a fresh copy of asdf-install. I also had to download a compiled version of freeglut.dll and tuck it into my Windows\system32 directory.
Getting SBCL to use the fresh copy of asdf-install was annoying. I ended up starting up a Command Prompt as Administrator (right click on the “command.exe” icon or menu-item and select “Run as Administrator”). Then, I went to the SBCL directory (“C:\Program Files\Steel Bank Common Lisp\1.0.29\”) and did the following:
% mklink /d asdf-install "C:\Users\Patrick\ASDF-Systems\asdf-install\asdf-install"
I had extracted the tar-ball from the ASDF-Install distribution into my ASDF-Systems directory.
Then, I went back and made my GUI code use double-buffered OpenGL windows because running Lisp to OpenGL to Windows Vista to VMWare to Quartz had some wicked flickering going on.
Two hours is a long time for something that’s supposed to be easily portable
. But, I would have spent at least 95% of that time even if I were using an all-Lisp solution. And, this is far less time than I ever spent porting anything else to Windows.