I just finished up some animal artwork for my iPhone Spelling Toy. I also added translations for Japanese and German (in addition to the English, French, and Spanish that were already there). After I double-check the translations, I will get it uploaded to the App Store.
If you have any expertise in Spanish, French, German, or Japanese, I’d appreciate any feedback you can give me about the words I chose in those languages. Would they be the word one would think of when shown the picture? Thanks, in advance.
Dutch (nederlands)
een twee drie vier vijf zes zeven acht negen tien elf twaalf
zwart blauw groen oranje roze paars rood wit geel
appel banaan sinaasappel perzik limoen ert peer tomaat wortel selderij peper ei melk kip biefstuk pizza brood taart druif
vogel kat kip koe hond paard leeuw muis haas/konijn vis
That’s awesome. Could you provide translations for the category names, too? Numbers, Colors, Food, Animals?
Sure. Numbers: ‘getallen’ colors: ‘kleuren’, food: ‘eten’, animals: dieren.
Btw the ones more similar to english are numbers-> ‘nummers’, food->’voedsel’, but they’re probably less suitable.
spanish 😉
orange = naranja;
yellow = amarillo;
pea = guisantes;
pepper = pepino;
Thank you. I only have room for seven letters, so peas and yellow are out. At the time I first did translations, I only had room for six letters. I will have to add naranja.