Draw or McClim May 7th, 2022
Patrick Stein

Someone helpfully pointed out that the functionality that I was looking for when I made my Draw Library already exists in McClim. I feel like someone else reminded me of this a year or two ago. I forgot to look into it then. But, I will definitely look into it now.

I had a block thinking of McClim as windowing/GUI and overlooking its screenshot and print functionality.

Animal Artwork and More Languages in iPhone Spelling App March 29th, 2010
Patrick Stein

I just finished up some animal artwork for my iPhone Spelling Toy. I also added translations for Japanese and German (in addition to the English, French, and Spanish that were already there). After I double-check the translations, I will get it uploaded to the App Store.

If you have any expertise in Spanish, French, German, or Japanese, I’d appreciate any feedback you can give me about the words I chose in those languages. Would they be the word one would think of when shown the picture? Thanks, in advance.

iPhone App Submitted To The App Store February 4th, 2010
Patrick Stein

I just submitted my first my first iPhone app to the App Store. Once it is approved, I will announce it here.

Thinking in the Car June 18th, 2009
Patrick Stein

I think best while driving. Unfortunately, I rarely have time to get my thoughts down in text when I get back home.

There are a couple iPhone apps that claim to have voice-to-text: QuickVoice PRO w/Voice2Text, reQall, and Jott. It seems that reQall and Jott require me to sign up for their web services. reQall has both a free and a pay web service. Jott only seems to have a pay service. So, I will probably try them in that order until I find one that I like or get frustrated with the whole process.

It seems that QuickVoice PRO uses SpinVox to do their voice-to-text. I am not impressed with the test message. I said, This is just a test. open parenthesis foo close parenthesis. The email that I got back says:

This is just a test of open(?) friends to see who close friends to see. – spoken through SpinVox

Sneak Peek: Screenshot for Spelling iPhone App May 6th, 2009
Patrick Stein

Earlier, I gave a sneak peek at some artwork for the children’s spelling game I am making for the iPhone. Here is a screenshot of the application (click for full size):


I need to touch up the jaunty logo tiles in the upper left. Some of them are worse for the wear after the perspective transformations and rotations. More to follow….
