Binary Logging with CL-Log April 6th, 2011
Patrick Stein

One of the things that my current work does better than anywhere I’ve worked before is logging. When something goes wrong, there is a log file that you can dig through to find all kinds of information about what you were doing and how things were going.

As I move forward programming a game with my UNet library, I want to make sure that I can easily log all the network traffic during testing runs at least.

In looking through the various Lisp logging packages out there, I decided on Nick Levine’s cl-log library.

I installed it in no time with quicklisp.

Then, I set to work trying to figure out how I could use it to log binary data.

Here’s what I ended up with. If you want to do something similar, this should give you a good starting point.

Serializing, unserializing, and categorizing

With my USerial library, I defined a serializer to keep track of the different categories of log messages. And, I made corresponding categories in cl-log.

(make-enum-serializer :log-category (:packet :error :warning :info))

(defcategory :packet)
(defcategory :error)
(defcategory :warning (or :error :warning))
(defcategory :info (or :warning :info))

Specializing the classes

There are two major classes that I specialized: base-message and base-messenger. For my toying around, I didn’t end up adding any functionality to the base-message class. I will show it here though so that you know you can do it.

(defclass serialized-message (base-message)

(defclass serialized-messenger (base-messenger)
  ((filename :initarg :filename :reader serialized-messenger-filename)))

Then, I overrode the messenger-send-message generic function to create a binary header with my USerial library and then write the header and the message out.

(defmethod messenger-send-message ((messenger serialized-messenger)
                                   (message serialized-message))
  (let ((header (make-buffer 16)))
    (serialize* (:uint64 (timestamp-universal-time
                              (message-timestamp message))
                 :log-category (message-category message)
                 :uint64 (buffer-length :buffer (message-description message)))
             :buffer header)
    (with-open-file (stream (serialized-messenger-filename messenger)
                            :direction :output
                            :if-does-not-exist :create
                            :if-exists :append
                            :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
      (write-sequence header stream)
      (write-sequence (message-description message) stream))))

Using it

To get things going, I then made a log manager that accepts my serialized-message type and started one of my serialized-messenger instances.

(setf (log-manager)
      (make-instance 'log-manager
                     :message-class 'serialized-message))

(start-messenger 'serialized-messenger :name "binary-logger"
                                       :filename "/tmp/binary-log.dat")

Once these were started, I made a little utility function to make it easy for me to make test messages and then invoked log-message a few times.

(defun make-info (string)
  (serialize :string string :buffer (make-buffer)))

(log-message :warning (make-info "Warning"))
(log-message :info (make-info "This is info"))


In all, it has taken me about four times as long to write blog post as it did to install cl-log with quicklisp, peek through the cl-log documentation and source code enough to figure out how to do this, and write all of the code.

To really use this, I will probably separate out the category of a message from the serialized type of the message. This will probably involve adding a field to the serialized-message class to track the message type, adding an initialize-instance :before method for that class to look through the arguments to pull out the type, and then adding the type as an extra argument to log-message.

Wayback Popularity March 28th, 2011
Patrick Stein

Wow. A post that I made in February of 2009 just hit Hacker News yesterday and this one from June of 2009 either hit as well or came along for the ride. Suddenly, I have 3655 hits on a two year old articles. Wacky.

Tutorial: Introduction to Conditions and Restarts March 18th, 2011
Patrick Stein

Today was the first time that I really kicked the tires on Common Lisp’s conditions and restarts. I thought that I’d share some of the experience as a sort of mini-tutorial. This tutorial assumes some minimal experience hitting the debugger from the REPL and some comfort with CLOS.

Lisp: Conditions and Restarts from Patrick Stein on Vimeo.

Screencast tutorial on basic conditions and restarts in Common Lisp.

Here is the source code generated during this tutorial.

Swim, Zach! Swim! February 26th, 2011
Patrick Stein

It looks like Google Maps is having some longitude problems along the eastern coast of the U.S. This is from the CL-USERS Google Map:

Calculating the mean and variance with one pass February 15th, 2011
Patrick Stein

A friend showed me this about 15 years ago. I use it every time I need to calculate the variance of some data set. I always forget the exact details and have to derive it again. But, it’s easy enough to derive that it’s never a problem.

I had to derive it again on Friday and thought, I should make sure more people get this tool into their utility belts.

First, a quick refresher on what we’re talking about here. The mean \mu of a data set { x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n } is defined to be \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n x_i. The variance \sigma^2 is defined to be \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n (x_i - \mu)^2.

A naïve approach to calculating the variance then goes something like this:

(defun mean-variance (data)
  (flet ((square (x) (* x x)))
    (let* ((n (length data))
           (sum (reduce #'+ data :initial-value 0))
           (mu (/ sum n))
           (vv (reduce #'(lambda (accum xi)
                           (+ accum (square (- xi mu))))
                       data :initial-value 0)))
      (values mu (/ vv n)))))

This code runs through the data list once to count the items, once to calculate the mean, and once to calculate the variance. It is easy to see how we could count the items at the same time we are summing them. It is not as obvious how we can calculate the sum of squared terms involving the mean until we’ve calculated the mean.

If we expand the squared term and pull the constant \mu outside of the summations it ends up in, we find that:

\frac{\sum (x_i - \mu)^2}{n} = \frac{\sum x_i^2}{n} - 2 \mu \frac{\sum x_i}{n} + \mu^2 \frac{\sum 1}{n}

When we recognize that \frac{\sum x_i}{n} = \mu and \sum_{i=1}^n 1 = n, we get:

\sigma^2 = \frac{\sum x_i^2}{n} - \mu^2 = \frac{\sum x_i^2}{n} - \left( \frac{\sum x_i}{n} \right)^2

This leads to the following code:

(defun mean-variance (data)
  (flet ((square (x) (* x x)))
    (destructuring-bind (n xs x2s)
        (reduce #'(lambda (accum xi)
                    (list (1+ (first accum))
                          (+ (second accum) xi)
                          (+ (third accum) (square xi))))
                data :initial-value '(0 0 0))
      (let ((mu (/ xs n)))
        (values mu (- (/ x2s n) (square mu)))))))

The code is not as simple, but you gain a great deal of flexibility. You can easily convert the above concept to continuously track the mean and variance as you iterate through an input stream. You do not have to keep data around to iterate through later. You can deal with things one sample at a time.

The same concept extends to higher-order moments, too.

Happy counting.

Edit: As many have pointed out, this isn’t the most numerically stable way to do this calculation. For my part, I was doing it with Lisp integers, so I’ve got all of the stability I could ever want. 🙂 But, yes…. if you are intending to use these numbers for big-time decision making, you probably want to look up a really stable algorithm.

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