I just finished setting up Windows Vista to run in VMWare Fusion. Then, I finally tackled setting up Emacs with Slime and SBCL under Windows Vista.
For the most part, I followed Robert Zubek’s gameplan. However, I quickly ran into a problem with swank’s temporary files not being in a writable location. I wish I had found this thread sooner. Alas, I ended up rolling my own by tweaking the temp-file-name function in swank-sbcl.lisp. The new version looks like this:
(defun temp-file-name ()
"Return a temporary file name to compile strings into."
#-win32 (concatenate 'string (tmpnam nil) ".lisp")
#+win32 (concatenate 'string
(sb-ext:posix-getenv "TEMP")
(symbol-name (gensym "SL"))
"Return a temporary file name to compile strings into."
#-win32 (concatenate 'string (tmpnam nil) ".lisp")
#+win32 (concatenate 'string
(sb-ext:posix-getenv "TEMP")
(symbol-name (gensym "SL"))