Burnt Paper plugin for GIMP February 16th, 2010
Patrick Stein

Yesterday, I decided to make the images in my article look like they were on old, burnt paper. I did this manually in the GIMP.

I liked the effect, but I didn’t want the tedium of having to do all n steps manually next time I go to use it. So, I wrote a GIMP plugin script to do it.

Here is an example of the plugin script in action. As you can see, I started with a text layer and a selection that was bigger than the text layer. The plugin uses the selection size as original edge of the paper (original, as in before the paper was burned).

And, here is the resulting image:

Here is the Burnt Paper plugin script. Plop this in a directory that’s in your script search path and refresh GIMP’s scripting and then you’ll find it in the Filters > Decor menu. [You can see the script search path by going to Edit > Preferences and selecting Scripts under Folders in the left sidebar. And, you can refresh the scripts by going to Filters > Script-Fu > Refresh Scripts.]

TC Lispers, July Presentations Online July 19th, 2009
Patrick Stein

The July meeting of the Twin Cities Lisp Users Group was this past Tuesday. There were four presentations on the agenda:

The presentation slides and videos of the talks are available through the links above, and directly at the tclispers.org site. Enjoy!

Why Not Return A Function? July 2nd, 2009
Patrick Stein

This morning, I was catching up on the RSS feeds I follow. I noticed an interesting snippet of code in the Abstract Heresies journal for the Discrete-time Fourier Transform. Here is his snippet of code:

(define (dtft samples)
  (lambda (omega)
    (sum 0 (vector-length samples)
        (lambda (n)
          (* (vector-ref samples n)
             (make-polar 1.0 (* omega n)))))))

My first thought was That’s way too short. Then, I started reading through it. My next thought was, maybe I don’t understand scheme at all. Then, my next thought was, I do understand this code, it just didn’t do things the way I expected.

Here, I believe is a decent translation of the above into Common Lisp:

(defun dtft (samples)
  #'(lambda (omega)
      (loop for nn from 0 below (length samples)
           summing (let ((angle (* omega nn)))
                     (* (aref samples nn)
                        (complex (cos angle) (sin angle)))))))

Now, what I find most interesting here is that most implementations you’ll find for the DTFT (Discrete-Time Fourier Transform) take an array of samples and a wavelength, and returns a result. This, instead, returns a function which you can call with a wavelength omega. It returns an evaluator. This is an interesting pattern that I will have to try to keep in mind. I have used it in some places before. But, I am sure there are other places that I should have used it, and missed. This is one where I would have missed.

Usage for the above would go something like:

(let ((dd (dtft samples)))
  (dd angle1)
  (dd angle2)

For those not into Lisp either (who are you?), here is a rough translation into C++.

#include <cmath>
#include <complex>

class DTFT {
  unsigned int len;
  double* samples;

  DTFT( double* _samples, unsigned int _len ) {
    this->len = _len;
    this->samples = new double[ this->len ];
    for ( unsigned int ii=0; ii < this->len; ++ii ) {
      this->samples[ ii ] = _samples[ ii ];

  ~DTFT( void ) {
    delete[] this->samples;

  std::complex< double > operator () ( double omega ) const {
    std::complex< double > sum( 0.0, 0.0 );
    for ( unsigned int ii=0; ii < this->len; ++ii ) {
      sum += this->samples[ ii ] * std::polar( 1.0, omega );
    return sum;

With usage like:

DTFT dd( samples, 1024 );
dd( angle1 );
dd( angle2 );

So, six lines of Scheme or Lisp. Twenty-five lines of C++ including explicit definition of a class to act as a pseudo-closure, explicit copying and management of the samples buffer, etc. I suppose, a more direct translation would have used a std::vector to hold the samples and would have just kept a pointer to the buffer. That would have shaved off six or seven lines and the whole len and _len variables.

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