In my previous post, I reviewed how the complex numbers can be used to represent coordinates in the plane and how, once you’ve done that, complex arithmetic leads naturally to rotations, scalings, and translations of the plane. Today, we’re going to do the same with the Clifford algebra .
What are Clifford Algebras
In our previous post, we used two different ways to represent coordinates in the plane. We used an ordered pair of real numbers like and we used the real and imaginary parts of a complex number like . Another way we could have written the coordinates in the plane is as a vector. Typically, to express a vector, we pick an axis (say, the x-axis) and then pick a second axis perpendicular to it (say, the y-axis). Most physics books would call these and . I am going to use and instead so that there is no confusion with and because it is a notation that we will continue throughout Clifford algebras. We could then express as . Here, and are called unit vectors. We assume they have length one so that when we take three of them, we get something with length three (for arbitrary values of three
Having done that, we can easily multiply any vector by a real number using the normal distributive law: . And, we can add vectors just like we added complex numbers: summing like parts. So, . Of course, subtraction goes the same way: .